Manage Your Portfolio

Track, manage, and grow your financial investments.

Grow your net worth

Prana provides the perfect interface for you to monitor your net worth and stay on track to reaching your financial goals. Our virtual portfolio manager ensures your portfolio stays balanced, maintains consistent performance, and is prepared for market corrections. We help you develop and maintain a strategy based on your predicted income and plans for the future.

Support for over 70 global exchanges

With Prana, manage assets across multiple countries and currencies, all in one convenient place. Add various asset classes, markets, and brokers. Ensure a successful financial future by staying organized and up to date on the values of your assets worldwide.

Multi-Currency Portfolio

Multi-Currency Portfolio

We’ve created a dashboard so global investors can seamlessly view the net worth of their entire portfolio in any currency they choose.
Portfolio Manager

Reach Your Financial Goals

Manage your assets, contributions, investment growth, and stay on your path to financial freedom.
Monitor Progress

Actively Monitor Progress

Actively monitor the progress of your various assets and set yourself up for success by staying well informed on the progress of your finances.

Prana Free

Free portfolio manager for up to 20 items.
No credit card needed.

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