Plan Your Monthly Budget

Take control of your finances with our simple budget planner.

Reach your financial goals

Track your monthly expenditures and feel secure in your finances. Stay on track while leaving room in your budget for the things you love most.

The Better Way to Track Your Spending

Manage your budget and monitor the percentage of your income that goes to expenses, investments, and debt. Track your spending to identify the places you need to cut back, while making informed financial decisions.

Simple Budget Planner

Quick & Easy

The Prana budget planner is free, quick, and easy to use. Simply add your income and expenses to get immediate insight into your spending habits.
Budget Overview

Be Informed

Knowing your monthly income and expenditures is the best first step to gaining control of your finances.
Budget Planner

Your Long-Term Strategy

Stay focused on your long-term financial goals and adhere to the spending habits that suit your needs and lifestyle.

Prana Free

Free budget planner for up to 20 items.
No credit card needed.

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